

USMLE Tele Rotations

Considering the pandemic situation, the Clinical Rotations are now offered as Online Tele Rotations. We, at R&T IMG Village, have started Tele Rotations since August 2019. We are affiliated with Chicago Clerkships, USMLE Sarthi, and the American Medical Association Physician Network.

Many of you might think that online Tele Rotations are not as valuable as Clinical Rotations. Right? But, just, in this case, Tele Rotations provide you a Good LOR along with the other major benefits. Our goal is to prepare you to become a good doctor, and we feel that if you are not comfortable, you won’t succeed.

If you want to see students’ testimonials check this out. 

Tele Rotations

Interested in doing Tele-Rotations? Make the most out of it today!

We provide you the following opportunities:-

  • Tele Rotations are conducted via ZOOM conferencing. Be aware of the timing difference, each Tele-Rotation Precepting Doctor has perfected their own curriculum which is best prepared for the IMG or Medical Student for USCE. These tele rotations are of 4-week.
  • Since all specialties are remote, Tele-Rotations are virtual and are conducted in inpatient or outpatient settings.
  • You will learn Case Presentation, History Taking, Critical Thinking, Advanced Medication, Prescription writing, Clinical Skills, Match process discussion, The importance of the personal statement, personal evaluation after completion of Rotation.
  • You get an advantage of the additional services added:
  • Sim lab Our SIM LAB is conducted at Stroger Cook County Hospital one of the largest Teaching institutions in Chicago. The SIM LAB is Run by Program Recruiters, US Emergency Medicine Residents, and Paramedics.
  • Electronic Medical Records: An exposure to EMR will help you in your residency and adapt to the software easily in your future.
  • LOR’s are given after the rotation is complete. We won’t provide you just a LOR that says Rush University. But make you ready for your future.

Rotations Offered:

Click on the specialty you want to apply for

Internal Medicine



General surgery

Obstetrics/ Gynecology


Pathology / Oncology


Other special services

Dr. Monica

Moments with Dr.Monica

It is a month-long coaching subscription, where International Doctors and Medical Students can email Dr. Monica Khokar, an IMG herself, and ask her questions about residency, Personal Statements, USCE, Steps 1,2, and 3.

4 weeks special service-$150


Margarita Openkova

Electronic Medical Records

In this training, participants will be taught how to order tests, write prescriptions, send prescriptions to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice, also send and write referrals for patients that need to see a specialist.

4 weeks EMR training- $399

Providing Virtual Care: Your Tele-Medicine partner.

10801 s western Ave Chicago, Illinois 60643 suite 205

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