
What is Simulation Lab?

A Simulation Lab is designed for healthcare practitioners and students to provide them with an impressive and in-depth learning experience. It consists of a realistic replica of clinical rooms, manikins & equipment, which allows practitioners and students to perform clinical expertise without any risk of patient harm.

Oral Exams, written Tests & assigned readings are methods of secondary education, but simulation labs use technological advances for students.

Hence, Students & practitioners apply their theoretical knowledge in the careful hands-on created scenario. There they will ask you to perform or teach ou how you can deal with various clinical situations.

Various common names of simulation labs are- Healthcare Simulations, Medical Simulations, Nursing Simulations and Surgical Simulations.

Just to give you an example – Healthcare simulation may be used for undergraduate medical and nursing schools, internships, residencies, or for ongoing training for practitioners.

Categories Of Simulation Lab:

  • Pre Briefing:- Students and Practitioners will be given information about the situation of a patient or say, dummy patients.
  • Simulation Scenario:- A case study will be provided for students and practitioners and they will be asked to respond to the scenario as if they were caring for real patients. Additional learners may watch through a one-way mirror or remotely via video streaming.
  • Debriefing:- This is an important part of simulation education. Learners will have to reflect and review their actions, their own behaviors learn from the experience and apply it in the future.

Advantages of Simulation Labs:

  • Beginners will get confidence through this simulation technology and have a strong “muscle memory” for procedures and task they will perform in the future.
  • Experts will encounter new and more advancing technologies, from which they can efficiently master their skills, such as minimally invasive surgeries, Catheter-based therapies robotics-based procedures and many more.
  • Other then this, you can get an extra advantage through practising by treating someone with rare or extreme conditions. Simulation Labs are now the preferred method of education because real events and actual healthcare pace do not allow for the best review and learnings.
  • Hence, this labs provides with real-time data and education and also provide reliable and necessary feedback to students and practitioners.

Example Types of Equipment Used in Sim Labs:-

  • Human Patients or Manikins(due to Remote Learnings) – Simulate Symptoms & Diseases
  • Audio and Video equipment to record one’s practice.
  • Simulated Health Records and Lab results.
  • Medication dispensing device.
  • Diagnostic Equipment, Oxygen & Air outlets, suction, lights, etc.
  • Additional Medical Room Equipments.

We, at R&T IMG Clinicals provide Simulation labs to enhance your Critical thinking and you can apply your Clinical theory knowledge. See what happens at one of the largest teaching Institutions, Cook County Health. Our preceptors will be guiding you throughout.

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